From the design to the final product

From the design to the final product


The birth of a faucet

The design are emotions, and Clever Faucets base are the feelings and emotions that transmit their faucets.

That is why each series that is designed aims to thrill the user. Its shapes, its ergonomics, its eco-efficiency ... Everything is designed and designed by a group of experts


The concept

Having studied the market and its needs, our team of designers begins to design the new faucet.




The most advanced technology

The technology always advances, that is why Clever Faucets adapts to all these changes.

Thanks to the most advanced technology is able to incorporate new eco-efficient solutions to achieve maximum savings.In addition, our technical department is always at your disposal to resolve any doubts about our products or solutions.


Top quality materials

An attractive exterior and a perfect interior and first quality. In Clever faucets we always seek to offer the highest quality at an attractive price. That's why our faucets always have top quality materials.

Proof of this quality are the ACS, AENOR and NF certifications that have many of our products.




The final product

The best result we can get every month of manufacturing a new Clever Faucet is always that our products are able to convey those emotions and feelings on which they have been based.

Thanks to the design and manufacturing process that we follow, we are able to offer a top quality product.

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